Ash Wednesday & The Season of LentThe ashes of Ash Wednesday mark the beginning of Lent - a 40-day period of mourning for the sin which brought death into this world and separation from the Author of life. They also mark the forehead of the child of God in the form of a cross - Christ's cross which says, even though our sin brought death, God sent His Son to die our death on the cross.
Whereas we die and return to dust ("ashes to ashes, dust to dust"), Jesus Christ, the Holy One, did not see corruption in the grave after His burial. No, after three days, He rose from the dead victorious over the grave, sin and the devil. His death was the end of death's reign. Now, all those who are baptized into Christ are dead to sin and alive to Him in the newness of His life. We too, therefore, anticipate with hope our own rising from our graves in the resurrection of the body in order that we "may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity." (Martin Luther's Small Catechism)
Click the button above for specific dates in this year's Lenten schedule.
Give It Up For Lent...The fasting and sacrifices practiced by the faithful don't earn one spiritual brownie points in heaven. Rather, they put us in mind of Christ's once for all sacrifice made for us - the Righteous for the unrighteous. These, then, become an aid in worship. We urge you, therefore, not to do them if they do not serve this reflective, Christ-centered purpose.
LENT: A Season To Repent (click video above)