PEACE PEOPLE represent just one little corner of God's Kingdom - people who have found a profound peace with God. This peace surpasses any understanding that the world has to offer and keeps our hearts and minds steadfast on the eternal truths that sustain us even in the midst of life's storms. It's a peace with God, our Maker, which was won for us by Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Now the resurrected Christ invites everyone everywhere to be reconciled with God. To that end, we proclaim this forgiveness freely to the whole world. Our prayer is that we might have the privilege of acting as ambassadors of God's reconciliation, sharing with you and others this lasting Peace Through Christ.
- Pastor Mike
- Pastor Mike
Here's an informative article that traces some of our Peace history back to its humble beginnings. A reporter from our local paper, "The Acorn," interviewed Pastor Rob in January of 2011. Click the top of the article on the right to open a PDF of the full 2-page Acorn article. UPDATE: as of November 2022 Pastor Rob retired (after 21 years!). Since then, both Pastor Jake and Pastor Mike got ordained in the LCMS, themselves. Pastor Jake serves pulpit supply in San Luis Obispo County. Pastor Mike continues to serve Peace where he has been on staff since 1998. Currently, Pastor Mike is the sole pastor on staff. For more information about the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to which we belong click our synod's logo: