Check back here for coronavirus updatesAs our dynamic situation changes daily, and we "progress" through the different phases of our Coronavirus responses (congregationally, societally, individually), it is important to keep well informed and, as much as we can, on the same page. AS OF 10/18/20 WE ARE RE-OPENING IN-PERSON WORSHIP INDOORS AT 8, 9:30 & 11AM. We will continue with temperature checks, masks and social distancing.
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18) |
PSW District ArticleOur Pacific-Southwest District President and his team have put together a helpful collection of resources, such as this thoughtful article.
Pentecost Rebirth(?) |
Michigan ChurchOne LCMS pastor has already decided (with precaution) to re-open in-person services at his church. Here is his story.
Additional resources
While some parts of our nation have already begun officially re-opening, other areas, such as our state of California, remain more restricted. Political considerations aside, each congregation of believers must come together with their own leadership to prayerfully consider their unique circumstances and how best (when best) to navigate their own contextual plan and best informed way to proceed. Factors such as members' age, local guidelines, public preparedness and more must be weighed along with a constant eye on Scriptural direction/understanding and prayerful guidance from the Holy Spirit.
LETTER TO GOVERNOR NEWSOM - Two California LCMS District Presidents have written our governor regarding re-opening California churches.
SAMPLE GUIDELINES - from the LCMS Southeast District. Not comprehensive by any stretch. Just some specific samples of some areas of concern.
PEACE LUTHERAN UPDATE - Back on March 17, 2020, we updated Peace members with our announcement to take services online.
LETTER TO GOVERNOR NEWSOM - Two California LCMS District Presidents have written our governor regarding re-opening California churches.
SAMPLE GUIDELINES - from the LCMS Southeast District. Not comprehensive by any stretch. Just some specific samples of some areas of concern.
PEACE LUTHERAN UPDATE - Back on March 17, 2020, we updated Peace members with our announcement to take services online.
re-openING With PrecautionsAs of Sunday, October 18, 2020, Peace will re-open all regular 3 indoor services (8, 9:30 & 11am) with masks and distancing. Recorded services will continue availability for those not quite ready to come back in-person yet.
24 QUESTIONS - Answer these before opening your church to returning parishioners.
REOPEN CHECKLIST - The Malphurs Group put together this checklist of 10 preparations to make before re-opening your church in the pandemic.
California Guide to Re-Opening Church - This is the official state-authored guide released on May 25, 2020 by the governing authorities.